Well I seemed to have missed the fall here in Northern Arizona. In fact most everyone did, one huge wind storm and all the pretty little yellow gems were stripped from the trees!
Unfortunately my spirit bear trip although incredible, didn't correspond with a trip to Colorado to photograph falls colors there either. So not to be denied, I pack up my gear and headed off the Zion National Park in Southern Utah. I have never really photographed fall colors in the Virgin Narrows before, so I didn't know what to expect. But I was definitely not disappointed!
Here are a few of my favorites that I feel really capture the amazing radiance of this spectacular place:

Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8 Left Fork of North Creek, towards the Subway.
This is perhaps my favorite image of the southwest deserts! Hopefully you can see and feel why. Next I worked my way up the Virgin Narrows for the first time, and bumped into beautiful scenes like this.

Nikon D3, 24-70 f2.8
In approximately 10 hrs the first day, I only covered maybe 2 miles! I couldn't walk more than 100' and yet another astonishing scene would halt me in my tracks. Like this one here.

Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8
Oh and this one as well, which I almost missed. A tiny a little scene, but the light was... well you can see - mesmerizing!

So, if you like what you see, and would like to see more images from my trip to Zion, please go here, where the first 13 images on the first page are all new, captured within the last 2 weeks.
South West Desertscapes
Thanks for having a look! Whooping Cranes are next, I hope!
Have a great Thanks Giving.
Shane McDermott