Thursday, July 31, 2008

Three Sisters Wilderness


Just returned from a brief four day trip to the Three Sisters Wilderness in Oregon. This is really my first attempt at photographing back country mountain wilderness scenes. Shooting conditions were really tough, lots a clear sunny days with high winds. There were really no clouds at all during the golden hours of the early and late day.

However, the last morning before returning back to Flagstaff, we were treated with one of the most amazing sunrises I have ever witnessed. Then the rest of the morning remained overcast which was ideal for waterfall photography.

Here are a few teasers, I should have a few more images loaded on to my site by the weekend.

Thanks for your interest.

Enjoy, Shane

Nikon D3, 17-35 - 2 stop GND

Nikon D3, 24-70

Nikon D3, 17-35, 2 stop hard GND

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Outdoor Photographer Invitation!

This is not a date I will soon forget. May 12, just a week before I was to depart for my photo trip to Tanzania. I opened my email to see a message from the editor of Outdoor Photographer, in short, he was inviting me to participate in the upcoming annual "Landscape Special Edition".

Shocked was I .... what an honor and privilege to be invited to participate in something that has inspired my own photography since the beginning. It is not really clear how my work will be presented, from my interaction with their writer, it seems as though it may be a personal profile. Regardless, I am completely thrilled to even think that in just a few days I will be able to see my work in Outdoor Photographer. Wow! From what I can tell, here are the images that will be appearing:

Nikon D200, 12-24

Nikon D200, 12-24

Nikon D3, 17-35

Watch for the August issue, I sure am.

Thanks for your interest, Shane

Tanzania Migration Safari

It has been awhile since I have last blogged. There has been many time consuming and significant developments regarding my photography career. The least not being a safari I recently escorted to Tanzania Africa in June. This was my first time to the Serengeti in Tanzania, had an absolute fabulous time, and capture many memorable images. Here are just a few:

Nikon D3, 70-200

Nikon D3, 70-200

Nikon D300, 200-400

Enjoy, Shane