Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mountains Scenics - 24 New Images!

Well it has been a long while since I have added any new images to my website - they have been just backing up! So in grand fashion I thought I would release a whole bunch at once. Many more to follow..... But for now check out the Mountain Scenics and Grand Vistas Gallery, here you can see 24 new images!

They are the first 24 images in that gallery, so you don't have to go searching for them. If you like what you see, please leave a comment in the gallery comment box.

Enjoy, Shane

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's Been a Busy Summer!

For any of you folks that have enjoyed following my blog entries, I apologise I have been unable to make regular posts throughout this summer. It is not because I have not been out taking photos, but rather because I have been pursuing some rather intense and time consuming studies in the art of "Integral Coaching" - which is part of my ongoing passion and practice of Holistic Healing, something I have done and offered for 25 years!

When ever possible I have been out photographing as much as I can. I set an intention early this year to more deeply explore the local natural wonders of where is live in Flagstaff Arizona. I was determined and convinced that there was an amazing local shot yet to be discovered.....

In addition to exploring northern Arizona, I also lead a photo tour into the Great Bear Rainforest in May of this year, in pursuit of photographing wild grizzly bears. This turned out to be yet another remarkable excursion into this remote wilderness area of British Columbia - my second visit now to this area.

The other trip I took this summer was to Colorado - into the high alpine basins of the San Juan mountains to photograph wild flowers. In fact I just returned home from this trip, and have quite a new few images I am excited to share with you all.

So in a nut shell this has been my summer, and now I would like to share with you a few of the images that have made this summer so memorable and exciting! The following three blog posts highlight this summers photographic adventures.

I have a couple of more trips planned this fall, both wildlife and landscape, so watch for those upcoming blog posts as well.

Enjoy, Shane

Colorado Wildflowers

Well I just returned from a 5 day trip to the San Juan mountains in south west Colorado. I was in search of wildflowers and spectacular mountain vistas. My friend Rick and I visited four different alpine basins, Gold King, Yankee Boy, American and Ice Lake Basin. I had visited Ice Lake last summer, and knew that it was shockingly beautiful, so I was really excited to re-visit this grandeur of natural wonders! Especially because last year I really got hammered hard by the summers worst storm, reducing my trip to a measly two days!

But first we needed to experience the other three high alpine basins. In hind sight, the weather and our planned agenda worked perfectly. On our visit to Gold King, Yankee Boy and American Basin, we barely seen a cloud for four days. However just in time for our excursion into Ice Lake, the weather turned - and these fabulous clouds started to roll in. we had a tremendous Sunset and sunrise shoot before we needed to clear out to avoid another a heavy and typical summer rain storm. But not before we managed to capture some beautiful images. Have a look!

Ice Lake Basin - Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

American Basin - Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

Taken from a vista near Island lake, Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

Ice Lake Basin, Nikon D3, 17-35, f2.8

Ice Lake Basin, Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

I found Ice lake to be so beautiful and diverse in what it offers, I plan to make it an annual photo event. In fact I am presently planning to offer a small group tour to this area next summer. If anyone is interested in joining me, please contact me by email (shanemcdermottphotography@gmail.com) and let me know. I will provide more information and details in the next couple of months.

For now, please feel free to leave a comment,

Enjoy, Shane

Nothern Arizona!

As I mentioned in a earlier post, I was determined to find and create the opportunity for an amazing "local" shot. At least by my standards I think I was lucky enough to get two! Here they are.

Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

Nikon D3, 17-35 f2.8

Both of these images were taken at Government Prairie, about 20 minutes out side of Flagstaff, Arizona. I have both of these images hanging in the local fine art gallery where my work is displayed, and needless to say, both have attracted a heap of local attention! Most locals of Flagstaff have never seen this area or this perspective of the San Francisco Peaks. Funny, how I didn't either until I went looking for it.

Again, please feel free to leave a comment.

Enjoy, Shane

Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Tour

In May of this year I lead my first photo tour into the remote wilderness of British Columbia, into a place known as the Great Bear Rainforest. This was my second trip to this area (last year I went there to photograph the elusive Spirit Bear), and it did not disappoint, truly living up to it's astonishing reputation as the best and wildest place to photograph wild grizzly bears, as well as black bear and spirit bears!

Here are a three of the images I returned with.

Nikon D3, 24-70 f2.8

Nikon D3, 200-400 f4

Nikon D3, 200-400 f4

I will be leading another photo tour into this remarkable area again this Oct 4-11 to photograph the spirit bear as well as grizzly bears. There are still spots available if you would like to join me. If you would like more information, please check out the link off of my home page.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

Enjoy, Shane